The Super Retro package is a collection of 16x16 pixelart top-down assets for your RPG games ! Everything is packed are ready to use. Autotiles and prefabs aleady configured !If you like this package, please rate and/or review it :). I reply and help everyone !✨ Over 10000 16x16 pixelart tiles and animations pack in one BIG package ready to use ! ✨-----------------------------------------------RPG assets I'm publishing for Unity :2D RPG topdown tilesets - pixelart assets FULL BUNDLERPG music and SFX assets - FULL BUNDLE-----------------------------------------------✅ Hero character !⚔️ Attack, Shoot, Block🚶 Idle, Walk, Run, Breath💀 Death, Hit, Spin📦 Lift, Carry, Throw🟤🟠🟡🟢🔵 5 color swapsNote : Animations come in spritesheets files (.png)✅ A ton of prefabs !🛢️ barrel (5)📕 book (7)🏛️️ column (10)📦 crate (8)🌿 crop (20, animated growth)🔥 fire (6, animated)🏠 house (26)💡️ lamp (16)🍯 pot (27)🌷 potted plant (15)🪨 rock (46)🗽 statue (3)💡 torch (17, animated)⛩️ Torii (6)🌳 tree (32)✅ Prefabs with behaviors too !🧰 Chest opening on contact🍃 Tallgrass waving on contact📦 Block pushed on contactNote 1 : All prefabs come with correct collision and pivot point !Note 2 : Don't worry, I keep adding more and more of them (see changelog)✅ Multiple assets for your exterior / interior environments :cityfield plainforestdesertsnowdungeons (water, fire, nature, classic)worldmapcavesgigantic treeinn, shop, marketplace, ...Note : Please note this package ships a few sample maps, only to get an understanding of how to use the assets. Screenshots above show how to use the assets as well, but do not represent the samples included. The assets are organised in tilepalettes and sprites :)✅ Animated autotiles :Water (with color variations on grass, snow, desert)Lava (transparent background)Waterfall and Lavafall (with color variation)Beach, sea and ocean for overworld maps✅ Autotiles :GrassDesertDirtSnowFencesCarpetsLavaLeavesSidewalksDirt texture for farming simHouses wallsHouses roofsDungeons flat roofsDungeon wallsIndoors wallsBushes wallsMountains and forests for overworld maps✅ 15+ animated farming crops !vine of grapesberriescelerycauliflowerbroccolilettucepotatoonionbeetroottomatoespepperpumpkinradishwheatcarrots...✅ Over 100 animated sprites and items !doorschestscristalsswitcheskarttorchescampfire✅ 32 animated characters (4 directions) :32 characters !idlewalkattack with many weapons and shields (spears, swords, staffs)farming (male + female)hoe, watering & shovel animations✅ Animated monsters (4 directions) :idlewalkZombies, skeletons, slimes, and many more !✅ Animated animals (walk 4 directions) :pinguincatbirdfoxbunnymouse✅ Battlers and background for turn-based battle systems !11 battle backgrounds57 battlers (front face monsters)I hope you like it ![Used source file(s)] sizesFile count : over 10000 tiles, characters, monsters, items, battlers, ...Animated: YesAnimation type listAnimated autotilesAnimated characters (walk, attack)Animated monsters (walk)Animated items (chests, doors, ...)Additional: pixelart, 2D topdown view, tilesets, battlers, backgrounds, tile resolution 16x16