A pack of recorded phrases for use as an AI/computer assistant on a spaceship similar to the voice that can be heard in every Star Trek TNG episode.This computer voice pack includes 75 words relating to objects, items, or resources that you might collect, scan, buy or sell. It is intended to chain the words together into a phrase.Example: "Money recieved", "Object Sold", "Anomaly scanned" or "Transmission Detected"Also included are some descriptive words to describe the objects. Example: "Harmful Gas", "Unidentified Energy source", "Dangerous Anomaly" or "Unknown Enemy"Each of the 75 words also have 4 different effect versions so you can choose the best sound for any environment!Raw, unaltered voiceRadio/small speakerComputerizedRoboticAll files are:Stereo44.1KhzWav filesList of words in this pack:Anomaly Attacking Bought Building Chemical Closing Collected Collecting Completed Coordinates Credits Data Destroyed Detected Element Ending Energy Source Finished Firing Funds Gas Item Items Jumping Life form Material Mission Money Object Objective Objects Opening Purchased Radiation Received Receiving Researching Resource Resources Sample Saved Saving Scanned Scanning Secured Sending Sent Signal Sold Starting Stopping Target Transmission Transmitted Transmitting Unavailable Upgraded WarpingAbnormal Corrupted Dangerous Empty Enemy Friendly Harmful Harmless Incomplete Large Neutral Small Threatening Unidentified Unknown