The package delivers quick and easy hover physics that can be applied to any Rigidbody object with first/third person controller support.Ever wanted to add hover physics easily to your games?Introducing: EZ HOVERKey FeaturesAdd hover physics to any gameobject that has a rigidbody.Very fast to set-up, get results in minutes!Tons of customizable settings to fine tune hover interactions with the surrounding environment.First/third person controller support with horizontal movement controls and ability to look up/down/left/right while hovering.Added stability means hover objects can remain flat with the ground below.Automatically adjusts movement speed and hover height to avoid collisions with obstacles or terrain.Hover objects can easily recover after being flippedHover Grid ComponentHover physics are implemented using a hover grid system.The hover grid can be resized to cover the span of any gameobject.Configurable settings: desired hover distance above the ground, upward acceleration, number of hover points to detect ground below.The hover grid is resistant to being flipped with the ability to stabalize itself on separate axes.Movement ComponentThe movement component enables horizontal movement for hovering gameobjects using WASD input.Ability to avoid collisions with incoming obstacles by adjusting the horizontal speed and increasing the upward hover force.Look ComponentThe look component enables hovering gameobjects to rotate in all directions by moving the mouse cursor.This is perfect for characters that need to hover but also freely look up/down/left/right in a first or third person perspective.Basic ControllerHandles user input and passes it to Hover Movement and Hover Look components to move and turn the hover object.