This asset is a Marker-Less Augmented Reality Example using the actual environment as input instead of printed square markers and display 3d model in WebCamTexture in real-time.Works with Unity Cloud BuildiOS & Android supportWindows10 UWP supportWebGL supportWin & Mac & Linux Standalone supportPreview support in the EditorThe execution of this asset is required “OpenCV for Unity”.This asset is a Marker-Less Augmented Reality Example using the actual environment as input instead of printed square markers and display 3d model in WebCamTexture in real-time.Code is a rewrite of https://github.com/MasteringOpenCV/code/tree/master/Chapter3_MarkerlessAR using “OpenCV for Unity”.This asset is intended as a tutorial for beginning image processing students and does not pursue optimization of processing speed in order to make the code easy to understand.Official Site | ExampleCode | Android Demo WebGL Demo | Demo VideoExamples:Texture2DMakerLessARExampleWebCamTextureMakerLessARExampleSystem RequirementsBuild Win Standalone & Preview Editor : Windows 8 or laterBuild Mac Standalone & Preview Editor : OSX 10.13 or later