UI SFX contains 150 user interface soundsUI SFX contains 150 user interface soundsThis sound library is perfect for voicing the menu and user interface in your game, starting from clicking and moving the mouse cursor and ending with the sound of various notificationsContains:UI ButtonUI Button ConfirmUI Button HoverUI Menu EscapeUI Menu FadeInUI Menu FadeOutUI NotificationUI Pop Up NotificationUI Pop Up Button ClickUI Pop Up Button HoverUI Items CollectUI Items EquipUI Items UnequipUI Items Menu NavUI Items Open ScrollUI Audio SettingsUI MessageUI Use WeaponUI SelectUI HoverUI ClickUI ErrorUI CancelUI DisableUI EnableUI ConfirmUI NavigateUI Start GameUI DragUI DropAudio file types: WavSample rate: 96kHz and 44.1kHzBit depth: 24bit and 16bitLoopable: NoAdditional: Stereo