A pack of recorded phrases for use as an AI/computer assistant on a spaceship similar to the voice that can be heard in every Star Trek TNG episode.This pack includes words relating to a ship's systems. Example: Shields, Life-Support, etc.Also included are the various statuses of those systems.This enables the user to piece together any combination of words to fit their needs:"Life-support: Low", "Batteries: Depleted", "Shields: Critical" and so on.Along with the 62 words/phrases, you also get those same words in 3 different effects. (Computerized, Radio, and Robotic)But, don't worry, I've also included the raw recordings in case you wish to add your own effects.Includes 244 short audio files for you to compile sentences for your AI/Ship computerAll files are 16-bit 44.1kHz Stereo WAV filesList of words in this pack:ActivatedAmmunitionBackupBatteriesCapacitorCapacitorsCargoChargedChargingComputerCoreCriticalDamageDamagedDeactivatedDepletedDroppingEnergyEngineEnginesExternalFailureFallingFuelFullHullHyper driveIncreasingInternalInventoryJump driveLevelLife supportLowMainMalfunctionOffOfflineOnOnlineOptimalOverheatingOverloadOxygenPausedPowerReactorRechargingReserveRisingSensorsShieldShieldsShipStructural IntegritySubsystemsSystemsTemperatureWarp driveWeaponsWorking