Need some puzzles for your game but don't know where to start?Puzzler has got you covered!Create puzzles with ease utilizing built in puzzle types, let Puzzler do all the heavy lifting so you can focus on your game!In order to utilize Puzzler you MUST OWN a copy of Horror FPS KIT!DEMO BUILD | DOCUMENTATION | DISCORDPuzzle Types:Solo ItemMulti ItemsExchangeLightsRotateRotate AdvancedSafeSequentialSwitchesWaveWeightWhat you get:Action BarCharacter ActionSimple Fade8 Main Scripts11 Utility Scripts4 Helper Extensions (i.e Floating Icon Helper, Scenes Updater, Script Editor & Version Detect)4 Demo Scenes5 Custom Puzzle Models13 Example UsagesDocumentationIntegrations:Audio Diaries for HFPSText Diaries for HFPSDiaries Pack for HFPSComponents for HFPSDurability for HFPSExtensions for HFPSMobile Controls for HFPSShooting Range for HFPSVendor for HFPSWeapons for HFPS3rd Party:HFPS Localization SystemYou can learn more about the product(s) on Discord!Feel free to share your work there if you've used our assets in your project.Features:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Components: Camera ~Puzzler Camera Controller - Handles camera movement action for puzzles (i.e Rotate Advanced)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Components: Dynamic ~Puzzler Dial - Handles dynamic dials which can have slots or use a continuous rotation.Puzzler Wave - Handles wave pattern creation and updating.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Components: General ~Puzzler Holder - Holds references for puzzles (i.e utilized by Puzzler Handler)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Components: System~Puzzler Handler - Handles all puzzle interactions and actions.Puzzler Item Viewer - Handles displaying non action items for use with puzzles (i.e Rotate Advanced > Answer Sheet, etc.)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Systems ~Action Bar - Handy for displaying a screen space action bar to signify actions (i.e currently supports Character Action tie ins, can be used separately)