129 individual Metal "Stingers" tracks that are to be used in your game to give emphasis, recognition, excitement, repetition, etc, to a particular moment, action or event.just .wav files so no dramasThese tracks could be used as an audio cue when you:Level up, found a particular item, task complete, death, achievement, special attack, special ready, loot box opening, received highest loot box level, activate combo, Max energy, headshot, Particular Enemy present or engaged, secret area or item found, etc.The Style is in Metal with various elements of Melodic, Gothic, Epic, Death, Dark, Groovy, Technical and Orchestral.This pack contains:52 Original high quality Stingers tracks (22 x 120BPM, 15 x 130BPM, 15 x 140BPM)12 Single note (Quick Palm Muted Power Chord) Accent endings in A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#13 Single note (Long open Power Chord Fade-out) endings in A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, and very very long A.52 Extras (All in both in Stereo and Mono) of Various Harmonics, Pick Scrapes, Slides, Dive Bombs and Pitch Shifting Noises.Total time: 23 Mins7 Mins (Approx) Stingers5 Mins (Approx) Fadeouts and Accents11 Mins (Approx) ExtrasSample Rate: 44100Bit Rate: 24 BitBPM: 120, 130, 140Loops seemlessly: Yes