Asset Cleaner :
Scan a project and list all unused assets. Select and Delete the unused assets with ease.Asset CleanerThe Pleebie Jeebies Asset Cleaner will scan a project for unused assets and gives the option to delete them.Features:- Scans the project for unused assets.- Displays all unused assets in a selectable tree.- Easy one-click delete of all unused assets that are selected.- Settings for output and exclusion properties.- Add the package to a project to use the Asset Cleaner, no prefab installation is required!Supported versions of Unity : 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021Check out the asset documentation before buying: DOCUMENTATIONIf you have any questions, a request, or something isn't working please don't hesitate to contact us at: support@pleebiejeebies.comIndexes all assets and checks if they exist in any of the selected scenes.Displays all unused assets in a custom TreeView that has toggle boxes for selection.Easy one-click delete of all unused assets that are selected on the TreeView.User settings for output and exclusion properties.Detailed output options in settings for debugging.Works as an editor extension with menu integration.Supported versions of Unity : 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021