Ultimate PUN2 Playmaker Integration - 2D/3D/VR
Googly Eyes Games
Jump AssetStore
Do you love Unity? Do you love the Playmaker visual scripting tool? Do you want to implement multiplayer on 2D, 3D, or Virtual Reality? This constantly growing template is a perfect place to start.The latest version of Unity 2020 LTS is recommended (i.e. 2020.3.29f1)WOW! Big June 2022 Update!!In the latest update I've added features requested by many users that have never been included in Playmaker Before!The first is a big one. I've created a Room List Proxy so you can manage your open rooms all with Playmaker!The second is also very cool.I've created a Photon Chat Proxy! You can now easily create a Photon Chat room all with Playmaker!Feel free to Check out the Online Documentation here before you purchase the asset.What Is Included:2D Demo Scene3D Demo SceneVR Demo SceneFully Documented FSMsDrag and Drop into Inspector Without Needing to Change FSMs (2D/3D/VR Demo scenes only).Room List Demo SceneChat Room Demo SceneThe 2D/3D/VR scenes------------------------These scenes all have the same gameplay, just have different game style targets.When a player enters the room, the scoreboard will update the player count.The goal in each scene is to pick up 'collectibles' in the scene. When a Player picks up a collectible, the scoreboard updates their score.Connect to a PUN2 Server.Create/Join a Room on the ServerUpdate Scoreboard as Players enter room.Update score as players pickup collectibles.Manage room listsChat Room Manager