"The Malformed", is a multi level-of-detail creature with 6 animations and multiple material variations.Meterials are Universal Render Pipeline.Materials can easily be converted to Standard Lit.- If models are pink on import, it's because your using the wrong Render Pipeline.It is said that eyes are Windows of the Soul, but what if you never had a soul?"The Malformed", Born of dark magics and overzealous madmen. This fetid, underdeveloped creature may seem too feeble to pose a threat, but don't underestimate it's need for a good hug. Mind the teeth.The Malformed - Whimsy MacabreMeshes:Included are 4 meshes.- MalformedWLOD = All three level of detail meshes with LOD set up- MalformedLOD 0 (33,026 Tri's) = The three meshes seperated. Useful if you don't want to use the higher poly meshes.- MalformedLOD 1 (8,326 Tri's)- MalformedLOD 2 (2,102 Tri's)Materials:Included are 7 Materials with various examples for usage.All are using Universal Render Pipeline- Base = Original vision, fleshy.- Base_Var = Paler tone, scarred eyes.- BasePSD = Unflattened Photoshop PSD with options. (Includes Wire template)- InternalBleeding = Deeper red tone with bruising- InternalBleedingVar = Deeper Yellow tone with bruising- AsAboveSoBelow = Black, brown and red (emissive mask used)- AsAboveSoBelowVar = Deep black, glowing (emissive mask used)Textures: All PNG, 2048 by 2048- Diff = Original vision, fleshy.- DiffVar = Paler tone, scarred eyes.- Diff_InternalBleeding = Deeper red tone with bruising- Diff_InternalBleedingVar = Deeper Yellow tone with bruising- Diff_AsAboveSoBelow = Black, brown and red- Diff_AsAboveSoBelowVar = Deep black, glowing- Normals = Normal Map- Details = Normal map with finer details- Emis = Emissive mask (mostly eyes.)- Occlusion = Occlusion - SpecMask = Specular Map- PSD = Photoshop PSD with Wireframe template (LOD1)Animation:All animation names include framecount at end of name.The animator file has all animations one after the other, with suggested speeds.- Idle_110 = Idle stagger- Growl_64 = Meant to be an aggro stance. Indicating intent to attack.- Move_65 = Light jog upright- MoveAggro_63 = Similar jog, more lean, more stomp.- Attack_40 = Grab and bite from right side- Attack2_40 = Grab and bite left side.