A set of realistic style Bark and Leaves shaders for all tree models from every software with Translucency and Wind effects for both bark and leaves. Supports all pipelines and platformsDefault project is for URPYou can unzip for other pipeline from "Shaders" folderSupports all pipelinesURP => Import GuideHDRP => Import GuideBuilt-In => Import Guide=> Note: Default project is for URP. You can unzip shaders for other pipelines from "Shaders" folderURP => Import GuideHDRP => Import GuideBuilt-In => Import Guide_______________________________A set of semi-realistic Bark (trunk) and Leaves shaders for all tree models from every software with Translucency and Wind support for both bark and leaves. Supports all pipelines and platforms with the maxed out performance even on most low-end mobile devices without any performance lostUsing this shaders you can achieves to a realistic vegetation rendering even on low end platforms and URPSupports all vegetation types from grass to trees that are made by every tool or softwareSupport global and local wind effectsSupport translucency effect for leavesMulti pipelines support with a same result and qualityDownload Windows DemoView Documentation=> Features:- Don't needs vertex colors (works on all tree models)- Also supports the vertex color for leaf local wind- Maximum performance (zero cost)- 6 shaders for all platforms and pipelines- Translucency support for all pipelines- Optimized and semi-realistic wind effect (global and local)- Global wind controller component- Wind and translucency controller UI- Realistic sample scene and tree models + Grass- Amplify Shader Editor source________________________________My other lighting assets:Lighting Tools HDRP Lighting Box 2 : NextGen Lighting SolutionUniversal Lighting Box 2Lighting Box 2 Next-Gen Lighting SolutionBuilt-In Mobile Lighting Box Note: Default sample project is for built-in pipeline. You can find shaders for other pipelines from "Shaders" folderURP => Import GuideHDRP => Import GuideBuilt-In => Import Guide6 Shaders:Tree Pack/Pipeline/Bark/BarkTree Pack/Pipeline/Bark/Bark OptimizedTree Pack/Pipeline/Leaf/LeafTree Pack/Pipeline/Leaf/Leaf OptimizedTree Pack/Pipeline/Leaf/Leaf Optimized No WindTree Pack/Pipeline/Leaf/GrassAll pipelines are supportedAll platforms are supported