The NononZone CharacterController has been made ready for Multiplayer. Easy to use DevHUD for Editor and Runtime. All functions of the Character Controller now work in Multiplayer.A Multiplayer Environment, based on Netcode for GameObjects, is setup to use at ease. The CharacterController has been enabled to run in a multi- and single Player environent. Weapon spawning and pickup, Shooting, Swimming, Stepping on moving objects and many more is now possible together with other players.Developer HUD for convenient developing and testing. Load whichever scene you want in whatever modeLoginManager which takes in the command line arguments to start a game without dev hud and in the right mode (Server or Client)Support for traversing between multiple servers (scenes)Working Sample Implementation of the Relay ServerAlready Setup Networkmanager Prefabs to test the scenesA NetworkObject SpawnmanagerAll Elements on the CharacterController V2.0.0 or higher are able to run in Multiplayer Environments