Add cloud based leaderboards to your Unity games and your websiteBridge:Scoring provides you with a drag and drop high scores / leaderboards system for your game. Not only does it show the player’s real Gravatar icon but it also allows you to specify an age rating for those icons to obey. To use you have only 2 functions to learn: FetchScores() and SubmitScore(amount) and this extension does all the restInstall once, use with all existing and new games you create !Unlimited leaderboards per gameCloud basedShow on website and in gameUse user's Gravatar as his user avatarAge restriction inplemented on user avatarsIntegrate into existing games in secondsOne line of code to upload a scoreOne line of code to fetch a leaderboardIncludes a demo display GUI but leaderboards are display agnostic. Design your own to fit your game and just display the results inside it