This is a two-storey modular building with an elevator and a staircase between floors, hospital wards and rooms for receiving patients with all the necessary equipment and furniture.Mixall studio presents a good solution for your games, VR projects and simulators: Hospital rooms - standard assets.Hospital rooms - standard assets includes a furniture, interior items that will help you save time on implementing your ideas. Fully finished room, as well as with all the necessary medical equipment and furniture.You can play a FREE DEMO before purchasing. Since the WebGL version is limited, the textures are different from the original and are highly compressed. It's also worth waiting a bit for the project to load on the web, that's fine.★ Key Features ★detailed medical equipmentmodular buildingmodern high quality interiorgame ready demo scene★ Assets ★Modular Building: Toilet room, Toilet room wall, Wood wall.Furniture: Bathroom chair, Computer chair, Computer table, Cupboard, Curbstone, Drawer, Drawer_alone, Cabinets, Kitchen set, Rack, Reception, Seats, Soft Furniture, TableMedical equipment: Anesthesia, Defibrillator, Dropper, Medical Bed, Recirculator, Sit wheelchair, StretcherTechnique: Air conditioning, Cooler, Folding Screen, Fridge, Kettle, Keyboard, Lamp, Clock, Long lamp, Microwave, Monitor, Mouse, PC, Phone, Printer, Security cam, TV, Small Lamp,Other: Chancellery, Drain shower, Dryer, Extinguisher, Flowers, Glass stand paper, Hanger, Mirror, Mop, NO smoking, Poster, File folder, Restroom plate, Shower, Sink, Soap dish, Toilet, Toilet brush, Toilet paper, Trash, Chancellery.We will be grateful if you fill out this form. This will help improve our work.★ Other Assets ★Combine this asset pack with our other assets:-Hospital - modular building, props and characters-Characters pack - laboratory scientists-Characters pack - guards and prisoners-LOW POLY WORLD - HOSPITAL-Hospital ward - interior and props-Dental room - interior and equipment-Hospital corridor - modular interior and props-Dental RoomNeed support? Write to us: Mixall.team@gmail.com★ Follow us on social media ★INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBE | FACEBOOKARTSTATION | PINTEREST | DISCORD Number of unique models/prefabs: 77/159;Number of polygons: from 84 (for simple models) to 25200 (for complex models);Number of textures: 264;Textures: All texture maps PBR;Texture size: 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096;Types of texture maps: Albedo, Normal, Metallic, Occlusion (in some models);UV mapping: Yes.Polygon count of:Building 8.2k trisAir_Conditioning 4.5k trisAnesthesia 16.2k trisBathroom_Chair 4.7k trisChancellery_1 12.4k trisChancellery_2 6.2k trisComputer_Chair 9.1k trisComputer_Table 1.5k trisCooler 4.7k trisCupboard 452 trisCurbstone 2.5k trisDefibrillator 5.5k trisDrain_Shower 672 trisDrawer 4.7k trisDrawer_alone 1k trisdropper 1.3k trisDryer 636 trisExtinguisher 3.2k trisFlower_2 25.2k trisFlower_3 5.3k trisFlower_5 20.8k trisFlower_6 7.7k trisFolding_Screen 7.7k trisGlass_stand_paper 120 trisHospital_Cabinet_1 1.4k trisHospital_Cabinet_2 2.5k trisHospital_Cabinet_3 1.2k trisHospital_fridge 3.8k trisHospital_Hanger 172 trishospital_kitchen_module_1 3.7k trishospital_kitchen_module_2 1.3k trishospital_kitchen_module_3 1.2k trishospital_kitchen_module_4 90 trishospital_kitchen_module_5 1.3k trishospital_kitchen_module_6 692 trishospital_kitchen_module_7 712 triskettle 1.6k trisKeyboard_2 1.2k trisLampClock 1.3k trisLong_Lamp 1.8k trisMedical_Bed_1 10.3k trisMedical_Bed_2 9.3k trisMicrowave 2.7k trisMirror 170 trisMonitor 220 trisMop 2.1k trisMouse_2 464 trisNO_smoking 534 trisPC 6.8k trisPhone 9.2k trisPoster 84 trisprincipal_office_file_folder 1k trisPrinter_2 1.1k trisrack 1.8k trisReception 2.1k trisRecirculator 1.8k trisRestroom_plate 1.7k trisSeats 2.8k trisSecurity_cam 408 trisShower 2.5k trisSink 7.5k trissit_wheelchair 5.2k trisSM_TV 456 trisSmall_Lamp 1.7k trisSoap_Dish 2.2k trisSoft_furniture_2 9.2k trisStretcher 14.6k trisTable_1 1.9k trisToilet 6k trisToilet_brush 3.4k trisToilet_Paper 488 trisToilet_room 3.2k trisToilet_room_wall 44 trisTrash_2 1.2k trisTrash_6 25.4k trisWood_wall 1.5k trisChancellery 4.5k tris