32 FREE AAA Character AnimationsJoin the Blink community on:Discord & YouTubeAre you making an RPG?Get our RPG Essential Kit ✅Blink is happy to provide you with all these animations for FREE!IdleCombat IdleRun ForwardSprintRun LeftRun RightStrafe LeftStrafe RightRun BackwardRun Backward LeftRun Backward RightJumpJump while runningFalling LoopRoll ForwardRoll LeftRoll RightRoll BackwardPunch LeftPunch RightOne-Handed Melee AttackTwo-Handed Melee AttackMagic AttackSpell Casting LoopBow ShotBuff / BoostGet HitBlocking LoopStunned LoopDeathGatheringMiningPossible to use with both Humanoid and Generic characters, Enjoy!Characters from the video are not included in this pack, but you can get them here:Stylized Human MaleStylized Human FemaleLow Poly Humans