Develop Third Person games with this asset. You can create your own abilities and extend it.⚡ Create a 3rd person game fast and easily with THIRD PERSON SYSTEM ⚡Windows Demo: TPS Demo | TutorialThis asset was developed to be easy to use and create new abilities, focused to deliver smooth and fluid gameplay. Watch the videos to see how easy is to create a new character, change parameters and create new abilities. It's easy to understand and work with.PACKAGES DEPENDENCIES: In order to use this asset, you need to install 2 packages in your project: Cinemachine (v2.6.11 or higher) and Input System (v1.2.0 or higher)IMPORTANT: This asset was designed to work with the new Input System. It supports the old Input System, but it's highly recommended to use the new Input System.⚡ FEATURES ⚡• Can be used with Character Controller or RigidbodyThis package contains the following abilities:• Locomotion (free and strafe movements)• Roll• Jump• Crouch• Crawl• NEW: Push & Pull objectsSUPPORTS MOBILE⚠ Only works with HUMANOID CHARACTERSSupport: diasgamesindie@gmail.comPACKAGES DEPENDENCIES: Cinemachine (v2.6.11 or higher)Input System (v1.2.0 or higher)