Nordic-themed compositions for various settings (battle, village, tavern, woods and more) inspired by Scandinavian folk music.Grab your sword, grab an oar and go Viking with this Nordic RPG music pack!These 6 tracks were composed for specific settings that could be expected in a Nordic or Viking themed RPG, including tavern, woods, village and battle music. Each track utilises the rhythms/character of a different traditional tune type common in Scandinavian folk music (Pols, Halling, etc.), and a variety of instruments including nyckelharpa, cittern, spilåpipa & näverlur. There is also information on both the tune types used as inspiration, and the various instruments and their role / history in the musical traditions of Scandinavia.The tracks are provided as stereo mp3 and wav files. Each track includes a repeatable loop with timestamps (or is loopable as a self-contained unit), as well as individual stems for the various instruments used allowing for customisation of the instrument levels or stereo mix if desired for your specific project.6 stereo tracks in WAV and MP3 formats.Isolated tracks ('stems') for every instrument of each track in wav format.Shorter internal loops with timestamps for 5 tracks (6th track can be looped in its entirety)Information on the traditional Scandinavian folk music used as inspiration.Information on the instruments used and their role/history in Scandinavian folk music.Cover images (jpeg/png).