You can use the asset in different ways, for example u can use it as a crown, ring, bracelet or necklace. Just scale it accordingly2K Textures are used, including Albedo, Normal, Smoothness, also AO is baked in to the Albedo map. Simple box collider applied.URP compatible: If you see Pink Materials, make sure to Uprade the Materials to the URP Render Pipeline ( Edit -> Render Pipeline -> Universal Render Pipeline -> Upgrade Project Materials to UniveralRP Materials )HDRP compatible: If you see Pink Materials, make sure to Uprade the Materials to the HDRP Render Pipeline ( Edit -> Render Pipeline -> HD Render Pipeline -> Upgrade from Builtin pipeline -> Upgrade Project Materials to High Definition Materials )LOD0 = 896 Triangles1 Material2 Textures ( Albedo Alpha = Smoothness )