This is a funny chicken family. This package includes a rooster, a chicken, 3 chicks, chick in egg and a coop. Every character rigged and animated. Total 18 animations suitable for each characterPolycount: - Rooster 7 448 polys- Chicken 5 382 polys- Chick 4 972 polys- Coop 130 polys- Egg 234 polysTexture size is 2048x2048 in png formatEach character have 1 blink morphAnimations are humanoid and splitted in 18 different files:- Idle- Idle sad- Walk- Run- Eat- Attack Peck- Attack- Swiping attack- Die- Dance- Look around- Fly- Fly left- Fly Right- Jump- Sit- Spin- HatchesNumber of textures: 13Texture dimensions: 2048x2048Polygon count of: Rooster 7 448 polys, Chicken 5 382 polys, Chick 4 972 polysNumber of meshes/prefabs: 9Rigging: YesAnimation count: 18 (In-place)UV mapping: YesTypes of materials and texture maps (e.g., PBR) Standart, AlbedoTransperency, SpecularSmoothness, Normal, AmbientOcclusion