Track & Measure lets you evaluate user performance by measuring quantity, points, and time. Enhance user experience with gamification elements to increase learning and user satisfaction.Track & Measure lets you evaluate user performance by measuring quantity, points, and time. Enhance user experience with gamification elements to increase learning and user satisfaction.⭐️ FEATURES ⭐️Variables in processes:Use variables of type Float and Bool in your process. For example, use Boolean values to fill checklists or use numbers to track scores and time.Variable displays:Easily display the value of variables in the scene using pre-made TextMeshPro prefabs.Time tracking behaviors:Use a number variable to track time and use the value in your process.Score tracking:Update a score and provide customized user feedback with a single behavior.Customizable feedback for scores:Configure the type of feedback when a score increases or decreases with our prefabs. These provide tones and floating numbers.⭐️ NEW UPDATES ⭐️VR Builder is maintained and constantly updated. Check the latest and future product updates on our Roadmap!⭐️ ADD-ONS & INTEGRATIONS ⭐️On our publisher page, we offer additional time-saving features for VR Builder.⭐️ USEFUL LINKS ⭐️• Tutorials• Discord• Documentation• Roadmap• WebsitePackage contents:Support for creating and comparing boolean and numeric variables inside the VR Builder processTime tracking capability in the workflow editorBehavior to update a score while providing user feedbackPrefabs to configure feedback when updating a scorePrefab for displaying process variables in the sceneDemo sceneDocumentation