Asset Pack with more than 200 footstep samples with various materials.Footstep SFX with different materials:Gravel Run: 21 FilesGravel Walk: 21 FilesLeaves Run: 17 FilesLeaves Walk: 17 FilesStone Run: 21 FilesStone Walk: 17 FilesTwigs Run: 25 FilesTwigs Walk: 25 FilesWood Run: 47 FilesWood Walk: 47 FilesThis pack includes over 200+ files containing footstep foley. Each folder contains "Run" files and "Walk" files with different materials making up each category.Gravel category was recorded using a mixture of pebbles and rocks. Leaves category was recorded using paper and dirt.Stone category was recorded using stone tiles.Twigs category was recorded using acorns, pebbles and rocks. Wood category was recorded using wood flooring. All of the files in the pack are .WAV files.If you would like an original custom track for your game don't be afraid to email me at alejandrojloera@gmail.com.Audio file type: .WAVSample rate: 2822 kbpsLoopable: Yes