A furniture set that can help you create realistic apartments and homes for your projects.URP Setup with 2 Simple Steps.------------------------Pay attention to the material's Albedo, transparency, and smoothness. You will need to reinput them again.Change material shader from Standard to Universal Reder Pipeline/Lit.transparencyApartment Furniture Set includes 83 prefabs and 72 materials for apartments and homes. Assets consist of furniture that can be used in kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, dining rooms, and halls. Optimized to be used in games.Prefabs: 83Meshes: 74Polygon Count: From 10 to 28,684.Materials: 72Texture Maps: Albedo, Metallicsmoothness, Normal, AO, EmissiveTexture Size: From 1024x1024 - 2048x2048 and some with 4096x4096.Contact info: angelayala452@gmail.com