The pack consists of computer tower, keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, printer, office chair, desk, scanner, microphones, headphones, routers, laptop, different connectors.Also suitable for other renders, but you need to change the shaders.Contains:computer mouse and keyboard(3 props) - 4579 trismonitor - 1002 triscomputer tower - 2328 trisprinter - 1636 trisdesk(4 props) - 6454 trislaptop - 4410 trischair - 15516 trisscanner - 1420 trisspeakers(4 props) - 2474 trismicrophone - 2786 trismicrophone - 1910 trisWi-Fi router - 2064 trisWi-Fi router - 1622 trisheadphones(2 props) - 11186 trisconnectors(17 props) - 14790 trisTexture set: Albedo, MetallicSmoothness, Normal, AO, EmissionTexture resolution: 4096x4096Number of textures: 69Texture formats: PNGNumber of materials: 16Materials: PBR(Metallic)Polycount: VariedNumber of prefabs: 47Scaled to approximate real world sizeNumber of meshes: 63UV mapping: Yes