【パブリッシャー丸ごとセール第101弾】9月6日 0:00 〜 9月12日(木) 23:59まで
Archanor VFXのアセット50%オフ
↓↓↓ 今週の無料アセットプレゼント🎁
『Super Confetti FX』$11 => FREE(9月12日 23:59まで無料)
【September Surprise sale】⏰️ 9月5日 〜 9月18日 23:59まで NEW!!
9月のサプライズセールが始まりました🎉 ゲーム開発に役立つ200以上のアセットが50%オフ
✅️ 合計60ドル以上のご注文ならクーポン適用で さらに10%オフ
※ 有効期限:2024年9月30日まで、複数回利用可能、セール品以外にも使えます
【Humble Bundle】 その他 ソフトウェアバンドルはこちら
『GAME CREATOR MEGA BUNDLE』 ⏰️ 9月11日(水) 3時まで
『LEARN TO CREATE GAME ART IN BLENDER 2024』 ⏰️ 9月24日(火) 3時まで
The project is ready with everything. There are 4 levels made inside. You can easily add new levels.You can add new sections without any coding knowledge.The project is ready with everything. There are 4 levels made inside. You can easily add new levels.You can edit the made levels in the Prefab folder to add new levels. There are many coded objects in the object folder.Objects:ActiveObject: This object is an object that is activated by pressing the character on the Button object. You should use both together while leveling.ButtonNotPress: This object is a button. When the character is hovered, it is automatically pressed and activates the ActiveObject object you specified.block: View file onlyDeadZone: This object is a hidden physical object. If the character comes here, he senses it. You can put this object in places with holes.Door: This object is the end object of the level. You find the key and open this door to finish the level.Key: You can take this item and open the door.Moving Platform: This object is a moving platform. It allows you to create a platform that goes back and forth between the coordinates you specify.pushableobject: This object is a pushable object. You can determine how many people can be pushed.Squarepushableobject: Buddha is a pushable object.Static Grounds: They are hidden physics objects that you need to put on top of the visuals.TeleportZone: It is the place where the character will be directed when he comes to DeadZone.CheckpointFlag: This is the birthplace of the character when it comes to this object. It starts from here when he dies.Pipe and enemy2: Moving enemies. The character must pass without crashing.You can customize the project as you wish. All designs and coding were done in an easy to understand way. You can easily create your own game. You can make your own level.
▼ Humble Bundle
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