An awesome package with the necessary to recreate a japanese environment!Optimized for mobile games, I bring you a cute kitbashing, with a diorama as an example of how you could make a quick environment with these assets.I provide you with small landscape, mountains, rocks that fits with this style, and some japanese architectural assets.Feel free to play with them!Details:Every asset shares one texture, so it can be batched together to save draw calls.The polycount assets are beetween 96 and 6248 tris.The pack work in URP and standard pipeline.The renders use Unlit shader, some of them are not included as scene in the package.Assets have a mesh collider, so make sure to check it if you prefer a different collider.Prefabs:▪ Bridge x1▪ Japanese lamp x1▪ Land x3▪ Torii x1▪ Floating Island x1▪ Mountain x2▪ Rocks x3▪ Trees x1▪ Grass x1▪ Nenufar x1▪ Leaf x1▪ Diorama x1