A very efficient solution to extend the built-in scroll rect. Supports objects with different sizes and multiple prefabs! Easy to configure and replace the default component.Backwards compatibility with unity 2019 and 2018.For my needs I created a extended solution of build in scroll rect component that allowed me to make it more robust when adding additional features.Optimized Scroll Rect Extension is a solution that renders and creates only the number of objects that are visible in the list. In addition it supports objects of different sizes, so adding a tab to the list is also trivial. Main use cases in my case were leaderboards, main screens with tabs and scrolling effect, and long narrow screens.Variuos example demo scenes are included!# RELASE 1.2 #Snapping feature and example to it added! Following snapping implementation is easy to create own snapping systems!SUPPORTS:- Scrollbars- Touch input- Jumping to element- Nested scrolls- Horizonal and Vertical Directions- Snapping- Occulsion cullingFEATURES TO BE RELEASED:- Gestures;- Snap to feature;- Infinite Scrolling;RESTRICTIONS:The asset works only with Vertical or horizontal view, not with both at once.SUPPORTED PLATFORMS:Mosty created for mobile solutions since they got a lot of scrolling leaderboards (for this purpose I am usng it), but the asset supports all platforms same as build in Scroll Rect:• PC (WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX)• MOBILE(ANDROID, IOS)• CONSOLE (XBOX, PS4, NINTENDO SWITCH)• WEB- Only visible game objects are alive;- Tricky pooling system allows you to use objects of different sizes (even each object can have different sizes);- Also pooling system allows to use multiple prefabs and just amount which is needed gonna be spawned;- Suppors vertical or horizontal scroll, but not both together;- Easy to use, only 3 basic components;- Open source code allows you to easily customize the asset to your needs;- Created by a long-time mobile game developer;- Continuous support because I use asset myself in my games;