"Mobile and Desktop Quiz Template" is a complete and flexible quiz template that is designed for desktop and mobile platforms."Mobile and Desktop Quiz Template" is a complete and flexible quiz template that is designed for desktop and mobile platforms.Why You should get this packageEasy to customize quiz questions and answers.Questions can have images as well as texts.You can use for desktop and mobile platforms.You can adjust the pass-mark for a test.You can set a test to be timed or not.You can set the number of options (e.g 4 options or true/false options)You can randomize questions.You can randomize answers/options.You can set how long each question shoud take.Code is easy to understand.Code is very flexible.Well documented and commented code.Package is lightweight.Please Note:To View the mobile scenes properly (in the editor), Make sure the game display is set to (740 X 1500).Works well with all render pipelines.Works well on mobile and PC platforms