Get the tile of your texture always right and don´t waist time configuring the tile for each object.-This asset can be used in any king of 3D project using URP, since it´s works in"material level" of the project.-One of major conserne was a ease workflow and ease comprehension. Thinking in that you work with this shader just like you work with a build-in lit shader. We tried to keep all the property´s name unaltered, as much is possible.-Most of adjusts you can make in build-in shader, you can do here.-Save time and space, skipping multiple tile settings for diferent objects, and save space of your project applying yhe same material for those objects.-No script function is needed in order to preserve the texture size in runtime.-Workflow very similar to the Build-in lit shader.-Most of adjusts you can di in build-in shader are present.-The "name" of propertys are equal or similar to the build-in shader.-Works in real time in editor mode and in run time. You can see all the changes immediatly.-Texture´s UV, normal and Tangent are in object space.-One time configuration shader. Since you adjust the material, you can apply to any object and the apperance will be preserved.-Compatible with URP.