A simple packet that contains building that are perfectly designed, waiting to be integrated into your animations.Our Package contains simple buildings that can fit into any environment, with this asset the possibilities are endless. They can enhance the overview of how the environment looks. The detailing in this asset is immaculate. We aim to design assets that align with any environment and make your work process easy and fun.Package is low poly and very well optimized with ready to use Prefabs with collisionsTechnical details:Nine Buliding MeshesNine Different textureseach model have 1 atlas textureeach model have each glass textureTexture dimensions: 2kTechnical details: Texture dimensions: 2kbuilding 1 : Vertices: 968/ Triangles: 1616, 2 Atlas Texture building 2: Vertices: 1056/ Triangles: 1750, 2 Atlas Texture building 3: Vertices: 456/ Triangles: 614, 2Atlas Texture building 4 : Vertices: 548/ Triangles: 694, 2 Atlas Texture building 5: Vertices: 564/ Triangles: 762, 2 Atlas Texture building 6: Vertices: 844/ Triangles: 1214, 2 Atlas Texture building 7: Vertices: 364/ Triangles: 510, 2 Atlas Texture building 8: Vertices: 1624/ Triangles: 2654, 2 Atlas Texture building 9: Vertices: 1624/ Triangles: 2654, 2 Atlas Texture