Party buffet desserts, cakes, candies, snacks, fruits, berriesBuffet desserts, cakes, candies, snacks, fruits and berries for party, event, celebrationFEATURES:30 unique props (55 prefabs)Demo scene, table, curtains are includedCombined and individual meshesCustom convex mesh colliders★OTHER PARTY PROPS★Party Props Bundle (6 products)Party HangingsParty LettersParty BalloonsParty Led PropsParty Event propsNOTES:Product intended for PC and VR platforms!Import Post Processing from Package ManagerNumber of textures: 83Texture dimensions: 1kPolygon count: 1k in averageNumber of meshes/prefabs: 55/55Rigging: NoUV mapping: YesLOD information : NoTypes of materials: PBR