Survival Horror KIT - FPS Player Rigidbody + Draggable Objects And Doors
Steelkrill Studio
Jump AssetStore
Ultimate Survival Horror KIT is a complete 3D full game source to create your own horror, survival or FPS game easy. Comes with ready to use prefabs such pickable flashlight, battery life, draggable objects just like in famous horror games, readable notes and papers system, light switches and flicking lights, functional doors with rigidbody, fully scripted player and much more!
If you are looking to create a FPS horror or survival game, then this is the KIT for you which includes all ready to use prefabs to start your own game easy with over 35+ prefabs and all ready to just drop into your own game. Perfect for web, PC and desktop.
What will I expect when I buy this pack? You will have your own ready to use player to just drag and drop, your own flashlight which you can pick up with batteries and with battery life, objects which you can drag, throw and move, doors which can open by dragging like in famous horror games, readable pictures and notes which you can customise, jumpscares with sounds and objects (you can display a body when the player enters the trigger) and much more for creating your game. In few words, you will have everything ready for a classic survival horror game to scare the player with! (With flashlight, readable notes, doors, jumpscares and such)
Price will go up as more features will be added frequently, buy it now and get all updates free!
See the KIT for yourself in action on video:
click here for the video.
Features of the package includes:
- No programming skills required to start.
- Ability to eat healthy food which will increase player's health when eaten and poisoned food which will decrease player health when eaten.
- Fully functional player health with customizable HUDs which will decrease when player takes damage and increase on eating food (pickups). Also HUDs will change depending on the player health's percentage.
- Fully and ready to use 2 complete scenes with all features ready.
- Fully function and complete playable animated scripted FPS player with rigidbody physics which can move, tiptoe, jump, pick up flashlight, open doors, play music, read notes, pick up objects, drag objects, throw objects and much more!
- Complete raycast system which can detect objects at a certain range.
- Customizable advanced crosshair which changes on different objects mouse over including 3 GUIs (grab, read and blocked/locked).
- Advanced functional flashlight which can be picked up, switched on and off with customizable sounds and GUI, drain speed, battery charge, and much more. (Includes flashlight model)
- Includes over 35+ prefabs ready to use in your game with collider and rigidbody ready such as objects, items, grounds and more.
- Functional batteries which can be picked up to refill flashlight life with customizable sounds. (Include batteries model)
- Functional advanced rigidbody physics for objects which player can pick up, drag and throw with many customization.
- Functional peek system where the player can peak around corners.
- Beautiful customizable tilt effect when the player moves horizontal.
- Includes over 25+ audio, music and sound effects to use in your game.
- Functional display text of your choice on different objects with customizable style.
- Functional readable papers, GUI displays and readable notes with sounds which can be customizable.
- Functional radio music player system to play sounds, audio and music of your choice. (Included radio model)
- Functional and ready to use cabinets and cupboards doors which player can open and close with rigidbody physics easy.
- New footsteps sounds for your game.
- Customable sounds for your game for pickups, radio, lights and more.
- Customizable player flashlight HUD with 3 different GUI textures when the play picks up the flashlight.
- Fader script with customizable GUIs.
- Functional ready to use lights with switches which can be turned on and off with customizable sound.
- Functional blinking and flickering lights.
- Functional rigidbody door system with rigidbody for drag to open feature. Also include jammed doors.
- Functional rigidbody locked doors feature system which unlocks with a key.
- Sound jumpscare which play a sound when player enters the trigger.
- Object jumpscare which play a sound and display an object or enemy when player enters the trigger.
- Ready to use prefabs to just drag and drop.
- Includes over 20 models of items and furniture such as chairs, tables and more.
- Zoom in feature with customizable speed and smoothness.
- Many many more.
Please note this KIT is still new and still has to improve a lot since we have loads of planned features for it. It is used mostly for creating a FPS game mostly in the horror or survival genre, however you can change it to your needs easy with the required experience and work. The models and prefabs are in 3D and it is easy to plan any feature from this pack on your own models. The player, items and objects comes both as a ready to use prefabs and also (with collider, rigidbody etc.) as normal objects for the models.
This KIT and complete project comes with a detailed full documentation (25 page documentation) which covers everything on how to create your own game, how to add the features, how to edit them and with 2 example scenes.