Pixel Fantasy GUI Pack!Provides basic high-quality GUI elements for game creation.Use it to create great GUIs.There are example files where you can refer to the presets and apply them according to your needs.Optimized for the mobile version.If you want to create games with high-quality pixel graphics, the Pixel Fantasy GUI Pack is for you.Key Features :• PNG 192 files, Resolution 288x512px , Ratio : 9:16• Preview scene included• 5 types of UI -Basicview, Inventory, Exchange, Skil, Information window• 8 levels of information window -Normal, Magic, Rare, Unique, Legend, Hero, Epic, Infinity• Demo scene where you can check the resultsPackage :basic_view_kitskill_kitinventory_kitshop_kitexchange_kitnormal_card_kitmagic_card_kitrare_card_kitunique_card_kitlegend_card_kithere_card_kitepic_card_kitinfinity_card_kitThank You!