Collider Adapter scripts to use both in 2D or 3D colliders.This package providers an AbstractColliderAdapter component to detect what 2D or 3D collider to use. This component implements the ICollider interface, allowing you to easily Unit Test your code by using some mocking framework, like NSubstitute.Also, there are some code extensions for some colliders. Using them, you can debug your ray casts by seeing them on the Scene.Extension methods to debug BoxCast, BoxCast2D, CapsuleCast, CapsuleCast2D, SphereCast and CircleCast.Create abstract code for 2D or 3D collisions.Use ICollider interface to Unit Test your code by using some mocking framework.All demo Scripts and Scenes are present on a Demo folder. You can easily delete it from your project later.Source code fully documented.Documentation.