Experience the unique movement of 99 Art Company through animation asset, dancing under the theme of ‘Drumming’ with the Korean rhythm called ‘Jajinmori’.The total animations are 6 clips. The animation list is as follows.You can feel lots of unique excitement of 'Jajinmori', a traditional Korean rhythm, with dynamic dance motions based on drumming movements.This clip (drumming movement) features is that solo and duet are possible.- Solo (A or B)- Duet (A + B)This clip consists of three levels.You can experience the deepening process of movement step by step.Drumming movement_1_ADrumming movement_1_BDrumming movement_2_ADrumming movement_2_BDrumming movement_3_ADrumming movement_3_B*99 Art Company: www.instagram.com/99artcompany/