You will get 78 Game Ready Grass Assets [15 species] and 5 texture atlases.Universal Rendering Pipeline78 game-ready Grass Field assets [*fbx / 5 texture atlases (*tga)]UVs: channel 1: overlapping; channel 2: non-overlapping (for baking lightmaps)Grass Assets - 15 species of plants:- Grass Dandelion [4 variations]- Grass Ezepnik [5 variations]- Grass Knotweed [5 variations]- Grass Plantain [6 variations]- Grass Reedmace [5 variations]- Grass Reed [7 variations]- Grass Sagebush [2 variations]- Grass Short [7 variations]- Grass Assembled [5 variations]- Flower Daisy [3 variations]- Flower Orange [4 variations]- Flower Lavender [12 variations]- Flower Yarrow [5 variations]- Fern [3 variations]- Waterlily leaves [5 variations]Combine and mix it to get different meshes and fields.Number of Unique Meshes: 78Minimum polygon count: 12 trisMaximum polygon count: 7786 trisCollision: NoTexture Resolutions:- Fern - 2048x2048 (*tga)- Yarrow - 2048x2048 (*tga)- Grass_Field Atlas - 4096x4096 (*tga)- Lavender Reed Atlas - 4096x4096 (*tga)- WaterLily - 2048x2048 (*tga)(AO/BaseColorOpacity/MetallicSmoothness/Normal)