This package contains the uSim Vehicle Simulation Framework plus extended features and components. Such as AI or NPC vehicles, Autopilot, Nav aids.ON PUBLISHER SALE: ALL ASSETS 50% OFF!On publisher self hosted sale period of 2 weeks. up to Jan 5th 2025uSim VSF PLUSregular price $45. current price $22Upgrade from uSim VSF possible with discount.DemoTUTORIAL (2023)Forum ThreadAn extended version of uSim Vehicle Simulation Framework which adds the following features:- Fully optimized AI module and autopilot system.- Electrical System and avionics.- Athmosphere oxigen model and engine mixture.- 2 new vehicle templates fully simulated with "plus" components.This package is independent and includes uSim VSF standard and plus example scenes.Main Features (standards and plus):* Optimized aerodynamics simulation.* Optimized hidrodynamics simulation.* Custom wheel collider and suspension.* Physics based engine simulation.* Propeller and transmision systems.* Fuel system.* 2d/3d gauges/panel system with examples.* Virtual Cockpit system.* AI module* Autopilot system* Kinematic flight emulator. (AI optimization)* Electricals* oxigen and engine mixture control* Example vehicles for Air, Sea and Land.* Vehicle Editor extension.* C# source code.* Full component by component documentation.* Active support! Don't buy if woun't mind contacting about package issues or recomendations. The product is on live develoment. Get it today and have updates for lifetime. I apreciate all positive, constructive feedback. contact at gabriel.campitelli@gmail.comExtra components:* Autopilot panel gauge.* ADF / Heading indicator.* Turn coordinator gauge.* Speed angular drag.* Custom air drag object. (for landing gears and air brakes)* Retractil gear system.* Engine starter system.* Floodable compartments systems.* 3d cockpit rigging support. (for control animations)* Stations system with support for character interaction. (Ride / unride a vehicle).* Optional ground effect to airfoils.* Manouver thrusters system for ships.* Persistent data system.* Advanced propeller dynamics.* Replay recorder system.