Old Japanese Town Asset is a collection of assets that make up an old Japanese town.- 3 Demo scenes(Day/Night/Overview)- 92 FBX- 128 Prefabs- 168 TexturesType : Albedo ,Metalic ,Normal and Emissive MapSize : 512- 4096- Buildings have 2 LOD's.- Test video with Unity Third Person Character (Youtube)-DemoPlayable Demo Unity6 HDRP: ZipInfo*Buildings have no interior.*This package contains 3D art only, no rigs, scripts or music.*All screenshots and videos are captured on PC build using HDPR(2020.3.5f1).Triangle CountProp asset: 8 - 12000Building Prefabs: 5930 - 239000CompatibilitySupport URPSupport HDRP (a .unitypackage file included)