MIS-Motorcycle is a custom add-on for Invector that runs based on Middleware For Invector Template (MIS).✅ The shaders provided by the MIS packages are Built-In based and use the Standard or Amplify Shader Editor. MIS does not responsible for the quality and compatible SRP.✅ Volumetric Head Light cannot be converted to other SRP.⭐INVECTOR THIRD PERSON TEMPLATE v2.6.4b+ REQUIRED⭐⭐Middleware For Invector Template v2.7.14+ REQUIRED⭐⭐MIS-LockOn v1.2.11+ OPTIONAL⭐⭐MIS-VEHICLEWEAPONS v1.2.5+ OPTIONAL⭐Invector Template (Invector) which is one of the best controllers can be upgraded with MIS and MIS Packages. If you are not familar with MIS yet, please watch this MIS v2 Quick Setup Guide.Faster, more powerful and fatastic motorcycle combat!You can experience the motorcycle action just like movies using MIS-Motorcycle.MIS-Motorcycle has been developed with a focus on combat rather than racing.The more simple, the easier get bored. The more realistic, the harder control.MIS confidently recommend MIS-Motorcycle. You will not be disappointed.AI package such as MIS-AI-CarRider-EVP/RCC is in preparation. In the future, it will be possible to fight on a motorcycle with enemies such as gangs.⭐Key Benefits⭐✅ Provides All-In-One Setup✅ Provides Motorcycle Setup✅ Provides 24 animation clips✅ Provides natural and easy movement using WheelCollider and RigidbodyMoves by WheelColliders and Rigidbody supports themAutomatic friction according to the ground (Asphalt / Dirt / Grass)Automatic friction according to the Terrain (WIP)Moves forwards / backwards using one Gear (WS)Multi-Jump (LEFT CTRL)Booster (LEFT SHIFT)Instant Brake (SW) / Handbrake (SPACE)Anti Overturn / SlipHandling Under Steering / Over Steering / ESPLeaning according to the Steering angle✅ Provides Enter(E) / Exit(Q) actionsDifferent actions according to distance and positionInstant Enter/Exit option✅ Provides character attack while riding2-Combo Unarmed Attack (Basic: WIP)2-Combo Sword Attack (Melee)Auto Hip fire shot (Shooter)✅ Provides various effectsEngine sounds according to the Engine RPMWheel smoke effects according to the Engine RPM and FrictionSkidmarks and sounds according to the ground (Asphalt / Dirt / Grass)Jump effects according to the jump start state (Ground / Air)Booster / Booster Spark effectsThe motorcycle shaking effect on Get On actionHead / Brake Light✅ Provides Motorcycle Health / Stamina / Booster Timer features with SpeedometerCan receive a damage from the enemiesCan use Jump and Boost depends on Motorcycle's StaminaCan be destroyed when a hit that exceeds an arbitrary limit✅ Provides the Rider RagdollBy OverturnBy External ForceBy vDamage option✅ Supports Riding IK / IKAdjusts / Camera State✅ Provides the Harley motorcycle which is used in Demo video✅ Provides chained-action between Invector/MIS add-ons- Refer to the MIS Document✅ Provides the demo terrain✅ Does not modify Invector core✅ All MIS Packages runs on a feature-based basis⭐Quick Setup Sequence⭐Without combat feature#1 INVECTOR#2 MIS#3 MIS-MotorcycleWith combat feature#1 INVECTOR#2 MIS#3 MIS-LockOn#4 MIS-VehicleWeapons#5 MIS-Motorcycle⭐Precautions⭐✅ No refund allowed after downloading✅ Core codes are not provided✅ The environment, characters, and effects in the Trailer video are not included⭐Contact Information⭐✅ Email: mymobilin@gmail.com✅ Only officially supports for the latest Invector Template✅ Only officially supports for the Third-Person mode✅ Only officially supports for Humanoid characters✅ Can be used for mobile platform✅ Required Unity Editor 2018.3+✅ Required .NET 4.x✅ Volumetric Head Light (Bonus): Powered by SlightlyMad VolumetricLights (Deffered, Built-In)