Editor Tools, Favorites, In-Editor notepads and more! Increase your productivity with 7 editors, 15+ unique gadgets, all in one dock-able window!Go Go Gadgets: A useful set of editor tools designed to increase your productivity, and assist you in your game creation.Ever feel like you waste so much time repeating basic steps over and over? Ever feel like you're looking for that same asset over and over again? How about those notes you make that end up everywhere? Ever wonder how much time you actually spent in unity? How about on your project in general? Ever wonder what things looked like at the beginning of your project? Ever forget to save and lose hours of work?Go Go Gadgets solves all these dilemmas and more!You get a tonne of editor tools, a favorites list, an organized notepad, script tools and so much more. You can make backups with one click, and with the autosave feature you can worry less about those pesky crashes! What's more, is the project history tab, which will monitor your time spent on creating your projects, and take screenshots of your game while you work on it. We also added some extra hotkeys to add that neccessary (missing) functionality to the camera!Its so simple too. Just put the one .cs file into your new project, and Go Go Gadgets will handle the rest.Be efficient. Save time. Release earlier. All at one affordable price! Go Go Gadgets: The Super Tool!Need help? We would love to assist you!https://discord.gg/AZq9krZyEDITOR TOOLS SUMMARY:• Search for and quickly toggle objects• Quickly save and switch between scenes• Quickly add and remove scene additives • Quickly name and group GameObjects together• Quickly randomize a GameObjects rotation and scale• Snap object system• Quickly switch out old gameobjects with new ones(100+ at a time if need be)• Improved, robust layering and tagging system• A tool to face your objects towards other objectsEx. (Face a bunch of chairs towards a table)• Move gameobjects to your scene view camera instead of going to get themFAVORITES SUMMARY:• Keep all your favorite assets in one place!• Quickly inspect and ping your favorite assets• Organize your favorite assets to have the most used on top• Search for assets if your list starts getting bigNOTEPAD SUMMARY:• Keep all your notes in one place• Easily Add and manage notes with the built-in notepad• Easy to save and load with save hotkey• Search for notes• Undo and Redo functionalityBACKUPS SUMMARY:• AutoSaves your project• Set your own auto-save prefixes• Autosaves are put in your active scenes directory, under an autosave directory.• Filename can include the date to give more flexibility• Create scene backups in the click of a button• Set your own backup suffixSCRIPT TOOLS SUMMARY:• Find GameObjects with scripts of a specific type• Find GameObjects with missing scripts• Keep track of the number of scripts you have in your project/scenePROJECT HISTORY SUMMARY:• Keep track of your project time• Keep track of your session time• Automatically takes screenshots of your game• Take a screenshot when you want to• Screenshots are taken from the scene view• Screenshots are stored in dated organized folders• Set the resolution of your screenshotsSETTINGS SUMMARY:• Works with white and black theme• Toggle the hotkeys on or off (Depending on your preference)• Orient your scene's camera with your NumpadNOT ALL FUNCTIONS ARE SINGLE-USE. BE CREATIVE AND FIND NEW USES TOO!