3D Rubik Cube with all Possible axes Rotations
Ziad Mahmoud
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Rubik Cube 3D model with all possible rotations providedFirst release of demo Rubik Cube, make sure that active scene is main level. then you can test the following: all movements are provided with it's letters. for example R in keyboard rotates the right fast clock wise. U = up, D (down) , L (left) , B (back) , F (front), E, S and M for Middle rotations of xy face, yz face and zx face. Holding Left Shift reverses the direction of rotation to be counter clockwise. Holding Right Shift means double move that moves the middle with your primary face. X key rotates the whole cube around X axis, Y key to spin the cube around Y axis in clockwise direction and last move of the cube is Z to spin around Z axis, arrow keys are used to move the camera only around the cube in a spherical shape. hit space to reset the camera position as normal start view, + and - signs can zoom in and out. tutorial scene have dialoge system to explain what ever you want. Nice sky box from asset store was used in project you can keep it or change it as you needs.Cube state is syncronized using colliders,colliders change the tag,the tags used to group small cubes with it's facethe rotations are made with empty game objects that parant specific face.speed of cube is not easy to adjust, but you can apply variable speed to rotate the cube till it meets target empty game object which was moved as desired 90 degree instantanously.inputs are detected using keyboard for windows build but you can make them as methods linked with buttons for a mobile touch input.