Extension Tools for Unity - Improved Editor and features
Quinten H
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Extension tools for Unity improves the Editor and adds new handy features to improve your development workflow in an easy to use way.
Documentation: https://extensiontoolsforunity.com/Documentationhttps://extensiontoolsforunity.com/The goal of this Asset is to improve the development workflow when developing by implementing some handy features and extensions to Unity.Features:Simple tweening and custom animationsDebug Camera And Camera ExtensionsGame Debug Console with CommandsImproved Hierarchy and assign colors to GameObjectsButton And GroupItem Attributes in InspectorSearch for reference buttonEventListenersSave SystemBuilt-in Spreadsheets/DatatablesMono SingletonsObject PoolingExtended GizmosCharacter and flying movementInputMode ManagerSerializable Dictionary and HashsetsHandy extensions for GameObjects, Transforms, Colors, Collections, ......A full list of all the features can be found here