Animations lets you quickly and easily create complex animated scenarios in virtual reality. Move and rotate objects in the Unity scene, or control parameters in your animator controllers.Animations lets you quickly and easily create complex animated scenarios in virtual reality. Quickly move and rotate simple objects in the Unity scene, or use VR Builder's GUI to control parameters in your animator controllers.⭐️ FEATURES ⭐️"Set Animator Parameter" Behaviors:Use this collection of behaviors to change parameters in an object's animation controller. You can work with all four types of parameters: trigger, bool, int and float.Float parameters can also be modified over time!“Rotate Around Axis” Behavior:Rotate an object around a given axis. The object can rotate on itself or orbit around something else. You can specify how many degrees the object rotates, which can also be multiple rotations.“Follow Path” Behavior:Make objects follow a predefined path. You can adjust the rotation as needed.The spline path is now much improved, as the individual points can be selected through the inspector and it is easier to remove curves.“Animate Transform” Behavior:Adjust the position, rotation, and scale of objects towards target values over a period of time. You can tweak the animation speed through individual animation curves!“Show Exploded View” Behavior:Create an exploded view of any object in seconds and expose its internals to the user's curiosity! This behavior works by moving apart the target's children, so no previous preparation is required.⭐️ ADD-ONS & INTEGRATIONS ⭐️On our publisher page, we offer additional time-saving features for VR Builder.⭐️ USEFUL LINKS ⭐️• Tutorials• Discord• Documentation• Roadmap• WebsitePackage contents:- Follow Path behavior- Animate Transform behavior- Rotate Around Axis behavior- Set Animator Parameter behaviors- Show Exploded View behavior- Demo scene- Documentation