A simple and effective AI solution for tracking and shooting.Pc DemoWebAI turret system is a fast and very simple out of the box automatic defense system. It's object oriented programming in C# allows great degree of flexibility for mostly any project needs. It can be attached to a vehicle or to be static, it can even be used to solve targeting and shooting for AI characters. It can predict using rigidbodies velocity and shoot on lead to be able to hit fast moving targets.Code driven articluation and movement allows use of any model desired and mounting types. Range and articulation angles can be set as well as rotational speeds.The pack includes a balistic based ammo class to be used, but any prefab can be assigned to be instantiated by the cannons. Rate of fire can be adjusted.The turret can also be manned by the user and recieve player input. Included in the package an example to toggle manual control on and off and a simple mouse targeting system.Dynamic automatic target acquisition based in tag is used to feed the turret targeting system. Have automatic defense systems for your games done in a second.Use of state machine and coroutines makes the turret very low on resourse needs, ideal for anti air defenses simulation or tower defense games.Feel free to contact via mail atgabriel.campitelli@gmail.com