Ever wanted to hide information in an image like the creatures from Spore or the games for Pico-8? Well now you can!
It allows players to easily & visually share their creations for others to enjoy!This asset was tested on the following Unity versions:2021.2.22020.3.22 (LTS)2019.4.32 (LTS)As it's just a script with very few Unity calls I expect it to work on most modern unity versions (at least 2019.4.32 LTS and above)Modding, or more recently called user generated content is awesome.And if a player makes something they really want share, storing everything in a regular image that can be shared easily makes it even better!With this asset you can hide any type of data within the pixels of a image.Think of the stats of a character, the layout of a stage, a decklist or anything a player has created in your game.The image can then be shared and another player can import it back into their game to make the creation appear!Useful linksOverview video (How it works and how you could use it in your games)Detailed reference video (In depth API reference)WebGL DemoAPI Reference & FAQEnjoy!FeaturesWrite hidden* data to a texture (any data type, including arrays)Read hidden* data from a texture (any data type, including arrays)Prefix the length of the hidden data to speed up reading times (video part)Choose which color channels and how many bits to use (video part)Choose regions of the texture to use for hidden data (video part)A demo scene & an example script as references* Hidden meaning: Stored within the last couple of bits of a pixel's color channels. Watch this overview video for more information.Third-party noticesAsset uses the following third party assets (for the demo scene):Fonts: Wine Tahoma Regular & Wine Tahoma Bold under the GNU Lesser General PublicLicense (version 2.1)Font: Inconsolata under the SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE (version 1.1)StandaloneFileBrowser under the MIT LicenseSee Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.