Coroutine Management provides you with all the coroutine tools that you need in your game. Start coroutines from any object, at any point of the app lifecycle, with any condition that you like.The Coroutine Management package can be used as a replacement for Unity’s standard Coroutine management (i.e. MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine(Coroutine)).This asset will help you with making the delayed calls that you need using your own custom conditions. The package contains a static class called CoroutineManager that can be used to wait before a method is executed. Our coroutine features range from very simple (waiting for a couple of seconds) to more complex (waiting for multiple conditions or waiting for frames).🗂️ This asset is part of the PRO Development Bundle. Get 10 assets, including tools, extensions and out-of-the-box architecture to improve your debugging and development and save over 50%!FeaturesCentralize your coroutines, never again will your get exceptions related to your gameObject being destroyed.Start coroutines even on classes that are not inherited from MonoBehaviour.Wait: Provide a duration and the code will be executed after the duration has passed.WaitUntil: Provide a condition and the code will be executed afterward.WaitForAny: Provide a collection of conditions and the code will be executed after any of them evaluate as true.WaitForAll: Provide a collection of conditions and the code will be executed after all of them evaluate as true.WaitForFrames: Provide a number of frames and the code will be executed after the number of frames has passed.WaitForEndOfFrame: The code will be executed after the end of the current frame.WaitForCustomYield: Wait for your YielldInstruction before executing the code.Tested and optimized for mobile platforms (iOS and Android) and web (WebGL).More assets by DTTConnection StatusInspector AttributesManaged SingletonsAnalytics StandardizationSerializable TypesEditor UtilitiesRuntime UtilitiesScreen Rotation ManagementAnalytics A/BDates and Times for UnityPermission ManagementExtended Debug LogsPlayer Prefs Enhanced🗃️ Upgrade your projects with our discount bundles - 50% off!PRO UI Bundle - Fast and easy UI/UXPRO Development Bundle - Superior debugging and developmentPuzzle Games Bundle #1Game Essentials BundleWord Games Bundle #1Curious about what else we got to offer?Please check out our publisher page or visit our website!A question or suggestion? We would love to hear from you.We are always looking to improve our assets to suit your needs.If you have any questions (before or after purchasing it), always feel free to contact us at: asset-support@d-tt.nl.❤️ Reviews are very much appreciated, we love to hear what you think of the asset.QualityAll code is extensively and clearly commentedRuntime code is >95% unit testedContains an extensive PDF with documentation, including code samples to help you on your way.CompatibilityTested and verified from Unity 2020.3 onwards on:WindowsiOSAndroidWebGL