Cozy Cabin Interior retro 70s style. Drawers and doors can be moved/opened.A 3D environment presenting a cozy cabin in retro 70s style.Contains a livingroom with kitchen, bedroom, laundry room and bathroom. A total of 77 models (see the technical details fo a full list).All closets and cupboards contain an "inside": the drawers and doors can be moved/opened.List of models (77 models)(name - tris - texture size):(If not stated differently all materials consist of an Albedo, MetalSmoothness and Normal map.)Antlers - 1472 tris - 512x512Baseboard (5x) - 16 tris - 256x256 no normal mapBathroom_floor - 54 tris - 1024x1024Bathroom_lamp - 170 tris - no texturesBathroom_mirror - 16 tris - no texturesBathroom_wall - 12 tris - 1024x1024Bed - 726 tris - 1024x1024Blanket - 116 tris - 512x512Book - 156 tris - no texturesBook_case - 703 tris - 1024x1024 no normal mapBroom - 226 tris - 512x512Bucket - 404 tris - 256x256Bulb - 270 tris - 256x256 no normal mapBunk_bed - 1034 tris - 2048x2048Candles - 500 tris - 256x256Ceiling - 12 tris - 1024x1024Ceiling_lamp_bowl - 802 tris - 512x512Chair(diner table) - 984 tris - 1024x1024Chest - 352 tris - 2x1024x1024Coat_rack - 742 tris - 512x512Coffee_table - 152 tris - 1024x1024Cooker - 356 tris - 256x256 no normal mapCupboard - 442 tris - 1024x1024Cupboard_door - 104 tris - 512x512Cupboard_drawer (9x) - 151 tris - 512x512Curtain - 444 tris1024x1024Curtain_rail - 308 tris - 512x512Diner_table - 2690 tris - 1024x1024Door_frame - 138 tris - 512x512 no normal mapDoor_solid - 500 tris - 1024x1024Door_windowed - 668 tris - 1024x1024Doormat - 20 tris - 512x512Doorstep - 12 tris - 512x512Firewood - 32 tris - 256x256Firewood_box - 4650 tris - 512x512Floor_wood - 12 tris - 1024x1024Fruit_basket - 396 tris - 512x512Garbage_can - 648 tris - 256x256 no normal mapGlass_beer - 332 tris - no texturesGlass_Jar - 116 tris - 512x512Glass_jar_content - 68 tris - 256x256 only albedoKitchen unit complete - 2460 tris - multiple from 512 to 2048Lamp_triple_ceiling - 800 tris - 256x256 no normal mapLittle_pot - 68 tris - 128x128 only albedoOrange - 180 tris - 256x256Plant - 612 tris - 512x512Plastic_bottle - 140 tris - 128x128 only albedoPlastic_bottle_small - 140 tris - 128x128 no normal mapRetro_closet - 884 tris - 2x512x512 no normal mapRocking_chair - 1762 tris - 1024x1024Roof_part - 68 tris - 1024x1024Roof_part_corner - 146 tris - 1024x1024Rug - 92 tris - 1024x1024Shoe_closet - 196 tris - 512x512Shower - 604 tris - 512x512Shower_curtain - 204 tris - 512x512Shower_curtain_rail - 60 tris - no teturesSide_table - 694 tris - 512x512 no normal mapSimple_lamp_ceiling - 466 tris - 512x512 no normal mapSmall_cabinet - 964 tris - 2x512, 1x1024Sofa - 1966 tris - 1024x1024Sofa Pillow hor. - 60 tris - 1024x1024Sofa Pillow vert. - 60 tris - 1024x1024Standing_lamp - 358 tris - 1024x1024Stool - 464 trid - 512x512Support_beam - 12 tris - 512x512Table_cloth - 616 tris - 512x512Table_lamp - 1802 tris - 2x512x512Tap (kitchen) - 444 tris - no texturesTelevision - 943 tris - 1024x1024Toaster - 546 tris - 256x256Toilet - 796 tris - 512x512TV_cabinet - 400 tris - 2x512, 1x1024Vase - 444 tris - 256x256Wahbasin - 316 tris - 256x256Wall_with_door - 34 tris - 1024x1024Wall_with_window - 48 tris - 1024x1024Washbasin_shelf - 116 tris - 256x256Washbasin_tap - 236 tris - no texturesWashing_machine - 523 tris - 512x512Window_frame - 207 tris - 512x512Wood_stove complete - 1616 tris - 2x512, 1x1024