High quality rigged low poly thunderbird with 14 different animations!For UPR convert the shaders:Open your Project in Unity, and go to Edit > Render Pipeline > Universal Render Pipeline.According to your needs, select either Upgrade Project Materials to URP Materials or Upgrade Selected Materials to URP Materials.Documentation: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal@7.1/manual/upgrading-your-shaders.htmlThis pack contains a stylized low poly thunderbird fully rigged & animated!The thunderbird originated from ancient Native American legends. The thunderbird's name comes from the common belief that the beating of its enormous wings causes thunder and stirs the wind.The character is already set up with simple scripts so you can start prototyping right away!High quality animations included in this package will ensure a realistic and enjoyable feel when controlling the character.With the Low Poly Legend: Thunderbird you will be able to create a high quality and fun to play low poly game!If you like this package you should also check out Low Poly Legend: Phoenix.For questions or requests please send your email to:office.pulsarbytes@gmail.comWebsiteDiscordTwitterYouTubeTexture: 32 x 32 pixel (Albedo)Vertex count: 2019Rigged: YesAnimations (14):• Flight straight• Flight turn right• Flight turn left• Glide straight• Glide turn right• Glide turn left• Hover flight• Idle 1• Idle 2• Touch down• Take off• Hop• Attack• Receive damage