This asset is voice changer worked on Unity.
This asset can be converted into various voices by only 3 params.
Correspondence Environment is below:
- Unity Editor(Windows/Mac)
- Standalone(Windows/Mac)(Mono/IL2CPP)
- Android
- iOS
Just attach to the same gameObject as AudioSource.
You can also be used with the following assets (Optional).
You can add a voice changer to voice chat.
- Dissonance Voice Chat
- Photon Voice 2
Samples are here:
- Windows
- Mac
This assets is governed by the Asset Store EULA; however, the following components are governed by the licenses indicated below:
SPTK: Modified BSD license (3-Clause)
Copyright (c) 1984-2007 Tokyo Institute of Technology
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of
Science and Engineering
1996-2017 Nagoya Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science
World: Modified BSD license (3-Clause)
Copyright (c) 2010 M. Morise