Pixel Car is a part of our Pixel Kit. It aims to help creating a pixel art based game in almost common visual styles.2D Hand Painted Pixel Car is a good choise to create cities, 2d racing games, platformer's levels and more.This package contains:red carcar body (180x100)car back (180x100)car windows (180x100)car body with windows (180x100)red car reversedcar body (180x100)car back (180x100)car windows (180x100)car wheel (32x32)city backgroundsky (1436x312)building A (84x272)building B (60x192)building C (80x176)building D (132x128)roadroad tile (1200x190)sidewalk up + down (1200x630)fence (1204x48)decortree (80x124)bush (88x64)street light (104x198)misccar shadow (253x66)scene shadow (1200x630)Other Pixel Packs:Pixel Kit - Forest PackPixel Kit - Vehicles PackPixel Kit - Underwater Pack-All images painted in 4x style by default-If you need use it in 1x style (1 image pixel = 1 screen pixel),you should use scale 0.25 in your project-Texture filtration is point by default for cars parts and billenar for others-Texture Type is "Sprite (2D and UI)" for all assets